
New Year, New Me?

Happy New Year everyone! I am hopeful that today finds you encouraged and excited for a new year to begin. The start to a new year brings about much contemplation. Thoughts about how the last year went; what went well, what didn’t. Thoughts about how starting today, things will be different. Plans and resolutions to lose weight, be happier, more successful. Then we set sail to be entirely different people within a day! We become confused, or upset when our ships don’t land in the right port, or don’t even leave the harbor. We might even pass off our shortcomings, and think “there’s always next year!” But, why don’t the majority of resolutions carry through the whole year? Why do they fall to the wayside, or fail to take off? Some might say, lack of commitment or planning. Others might say life got in the way. Life does happens, things ebb and flow, plans change. Life is fluid and everchanging.

But, there is one thing that is always constant, never changing, always the same. That is God. He is the same today as he was yesterday as well as who he will be tomorrow. With him, all things are possible. The Bible says that in more ways than one. “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”, Philippians 4:13. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”, Jeremiah 29:11. When we take time with God to build our goals and dreams, there is something stable to lean on. He knows the plans for us, he’s working them out as we speak.

I have failed or abandoned more resolutions than I can count. I have come to the realization that the reason I have failed or not started is because I have tried to be the one in control of my goals, versus allowing God to lead me to the goals He intends for me. My aspirations were not in alignment for the purpose God had for me that year. When they were not in alignment, I have failed to follow through or complete what I had planned for myself. I have spent some time this year praying about what God has in store for me, and some of the goals he has put on my heart have been scary and overwhelming.

It wasn’t to lose weight, love myself more, or make more money. It was to become a disciple of his, to tell others about his word and do so in a big way. After all, having faith in him and refocusing on eternal life with him is far more important than these things. I know that my goal for this year is to begin serving the Lord and spreading his message to anyone and everyone that will listen. It has been an overwhelming goal to say the least, but I have taken the past few months to work that out with him. Serving the Lord can be in big ways and small, such as loving and caring for my family, or spreading his good news on the web. I may feel inadequate in my ability to do this, but the Lord used many “regular” people, just like you and me to spread his word and they worked alongside him the closest! Despite my feelings of inadequacy, I know that he will walk alongside me and give me strength to succeed.

If you are feeling like this: “New year, new me” hasn’t been panning out for you, maybe it’s time to reconsider who should be in control of making your goals friend. Take a moment to say a prayer over your year, and see what wonderful, scary, exciting ideas God can lay on your heart. It may not be the path you intended for yourself, but know that you will have a loving guide along the way. Who knows, it may lead you down a path that will create the most happiness for you. Be strong in your faith and let your light shine!

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