
Mindset over matter

Maybe it’s because it’s closer to the new year than not, but I have heard the term mindset come up quite a bit recently. According to the dictionary; mindset is an attitude, disposition, or mood. A fixed state of mind. It’s almost become a buzzword, in the self-help world. Individuals are preaching about how someone’s mindset can impact how they live, learn, and achieve. So, if you are in a funk in life, changing your mindset is the golden ticket to turning yourself right-side up again.

The techniques taught are great options and provide positive resources for anyone struggling, and most are backed by science. I actually am doing the Mindset Reset by Mel Robbins. She has truly great information and is a wonderful person to talk about this with encouragement and support. If you’re curious just go to https://melrobbins.com/mindsetreset/ to sign yourself up for free daily videos, teaching how to change the way we think about ourselves and our lives.

These lessons teach us how we can control how we think, thus controlling how we feel and how our life goes. However, it’s missing one very important concept in my mind. It’s missing a foundation on faith. A confidence to let go and know that God’s got control of how our life goes. It’s missing how to combat the negative thoughts that the devil gives us to reduce our faith. And how to replace them with God’s evidence in his word that we are going to be okay. Because we are his. He’s got our back. It’s a part of his plan. We need only to let go of control and let him handle the rest.

My friends, God gave us the ability to think, and change our thoughts. But, this wasn’t so that we could regain control of our situations and lives. It was so that we had the ability to choose to trust in him and surrender ourselves to his plans. I struggle at times with my thoughts. I’m sure a lot of you do too. Sometimes it due to the inadequacies I feel I have, or the sin of comparison kicks in and I’m judging myself for where I am at in my life. It still can be a struggle at times, but it’s taken a lot of practice to recognize and change those thoughts and feelings.

Self-help gurus talk about positive self-affirmations as a way to change your thinking about yourself, I find that it works for a while, but the old thoughts eventually start to creep in. The only time I’ve noticed that my thoughts totally change are when I focus on self-affirmations that are faith-based. Some I like to use and invite you to also use are; I am His, I am saved, I am loved by Him, I have a purpose through Him, etc. The Bible also has some pretty great examples of positive statements to replace your negative thoughts.

“I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful.”

Psalm 139:14

This one helps the most with feelings of inadequacy. He has made us perfect in his image, and he doesn’t make mistakes. When you are having a bad day, or feeling down about yourself: remember this, because we are all truly special and unique. At times, I think that the devil can discredit us, or make us feel fear of getting out of our comfort zones. This is a way to keep us distant from God. We have to indulge in scripture in order to break free from his lies.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Philippians 4:13

We are human, and so we won’t always be able to do everything that we want to do. No matter how hard we try. I can bet that if we ask the Lord to assist us in what we are wanting to achieve, as long as it is his will for our life, it will get done even better than if we had tried on our own. Who doesn’t like to have support through life? God’s willing to be there for all that we overcome. Last, but not least, one of the best reminders of how God encourages us how to think.

“Finally brothers and sisters whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things”.

Philippians 4:8

God wants us to think positively about ourselves and our lives, he wants us to think positively about others too. He doesn’t want our thoughts consumed on worldly worries, he wants our focus. He wants us to be available to do his works and be his disciples. We can’t do this if we’re absorbed in not feeling like we’re enough or lacking confidence to do so. His word is there to encourage us and shift us into action when our thoughts are keeping us stuck.

If you want to work on yourself by using self-help techniques, please do so, because I want you to be the best version of you. You and the world deserve that version. I urge you to try to lay out a foundation of faith to build your feelings of self-worth alongside that work. We were built to be dependent on the Lord, and when we let go and let God; we see his many blessings emerge right before our eyes. We become capable; enough, and loved, just by having strong faith in Him, and allowing him to be our guidepost.

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