
Self-Care and God

Something that I have found a big passion for in my life is being an advocate for self-care. It is my hope that I can educate and encourage other women on the importance of this in their lives. To some self-care may be unattainable, to others a luxury, and for a rare few, a regular practice. We all know, and use, the standard excuses for why we don’t practice self-care. “I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money, it takes too long, etc.” Unfortunately, lack of self-care leads to an increase in stress, burnout, health issues, and overall unhappiness with life. I believe there’s an epidemic happening in the world, that many people are not talking about. It’s an overworked, unintentional, and spread thin society. Lack of self-care not only impacts ourselves, but our families and our work performance.

Self-care to Christian women might feel like we are doing the exact opposite of what God wants us to do. In the Bible it says over and over again that we should be focusing our attention on him and what he is doing in our lives. This is certainly true, and I agree to keep doing this. However we also have to rest and refill ourselves in order to keep doing the work he has planned for us. The Bible shows that God rested on the seventh day of creation, and there are verses that state Jesus would go off on his own to rest and pray. Even they took time from doing their miraculous work and loving others to replenish.

Society today makes women feel that they need to have it all together. With a never-ending to-do list, and constant demands, we should be able to hold it all together with no complaints on our end. Right? I don’t know one single woman who can do all it takes to balance; work, family, self, and household demands. If she does, I know the one thing that is being pushed to the very bottom of that list, herself. I don’t know about you, but when I take on too much and stress out, I am unhappy, impatient, and have a very short temper. Know anyone else like this? I’m not proud of those qualities I have, but more times than not, I’ve noticed I’m not taking care of myself during those times. We are not our best selves when we are taking on more than we should or can, and not making ourselves a priority.

Galatians 5:22 discusses the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in our lives is: Love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Where can we all get more of that? Am I right? Those all sound so amazing and are good qualities I think we all strive for in our lives. More love, and patience in our marriages or relationships. More gentleness and kindness towards others. Sign me up, please. John 15:5, Jesus states, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing”. Jesus is telling us that in order to produce fruit, like goodness, faithfulness, and kindness we need to remain in him. How inspiring is that! In order to grow these fruits above, we need to allow Jesus in and remain in him.

So, how do we do that? One very easy and practical way to do this, is to read his word. I don’t mean some times, I mean daily. Even if it is just 5 minutes a day, to start. The more you arrange your time for the Lord, the more you will see that you don’t need to make time for all of the other worldly things on your to-do lists. Another great way to practice being with him and getting self-care in is by keeping the Sabbath Day holy. If you can help it, don’t work or be busy. Go to church, worship with others, and rest in his goodness for the day. That is all that he wants from us, as he knows how hard we work the other days. For some of you this may not work for your life. Then commit to at least one day in the week to allow for rest and recharge in him. Making small changes to your routines or daily practices can allow for this one day a week. Trust me, it is so recharging to have this time to take it easy and re-energize.

Another way to do this is to actually rest. God and Jesus both rested as I said above, and if those great and mighty guys can, so can you. Go to bed earlier, take a nap during the day if you can. Take 10 minutes to read or meditate. Do something that is going to slow you down and help you to re-center yourself in him. Lastly, consider pruning things from your life that are not helping you to be fruitful. A few things taken off your to-do list are not going to end the world. Toxic relationships that drain you, are better left behind. John 15: 1-2, Jesus states, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. Every branch in me that does not produce fruit he removes, and he prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit”. God is showing by example, what we need to follow in our own lives to be fruitful. Removing the things that are not helping us, and pruning and tending to the good things is only going to produce more good things for us.

This is such an inspiring example he has shown, and I hope that it gives you the motivation to consider the areas in your life that could be tended to in order to have the purposeful and fruitful life you want to live. It may not be easy, but it will surely be worth it. Be strong in your faith and let your light shine!

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